Welcome to codezoned;

We are an Opensource non-profit-organization which is targeting on educating and spreading our core belief of 'learning by doing'.

Codezoned is an opensource NPO which is targeting on educating and spreading its core belief by making college and school students contribute to opensource. We develop FOSS (Free Open-source software) for NGOs, Conduct Hackathons across colleges and organisations and give digital literacy education to less privileged children.

We are an organization that strives towards building a community of enthusiastic and passionate individuals who want to share their love for creativity and imagination by building open source projects that have a positive impact on the society, making the world a better place.

We are completely opensource. We make our own stuff and help everyone make theirs. Your contributions are welcome!


These are some of the events we are honoured to have organised/be a part of.


Our Amazing partners:

Some of our Opensource projects:


ScriptsDump is a complete repository of all kind of scripts we and you can think of.


RIG (Randomized ID Generator) is an app to generate IDs and badges for any event or meetup!


BlogCast is a 100% Opensource blogging App/Platform.

And many more...

Wanna Partner with us? Sponsor us? Or talk to us?
Contact us at team@codezoned.com